Attention moving and storage companies: are you aware of the recent MA
Motor Vehicle Crash Operator Report revisions? If your company has any
copies of the previous version in your office or vehicles, be sure to
replace them with the new revised copy.
Sure, we may be your go-to agency for questions and concerns about movers insurance, but we are also here to help keep you updated on important changes going on in the industry! For those who are not familiar with the Crash Report process, we have pointed out below some key information.
• If an operator of a motor vehicle is involved in a crash in which a person is killed or injured or a situation where there is damage in excess of $1,000 to a vehicle or property, he or she is required to fill out a Crash Operator Report.
• A Crash Report must be filed with the Registry, the local police department where the crash occurred and your insurance company within five days after a crash.
• Drivers are not required to file a Crash Report with the Registry and the local police if the crash occurred on a private road, private parking lot, a driveway or other private ways. However, the driver may still be required to report any injuries of a person, animal, or any property damage to the local police, property owners and insurer.
What happens if the operator of the motor vehicle is incapacitated and unable to complete the report? Then it’s up to you as the vehicle owner to complete the report within the allotted time frame and file it with the appropriate parties.
We encourage that all companies conduct periodic employee training programs to educate their drivers on what to do, the information to gather and the images to capture in the event of an accident. Come back next week and we will give you our top seven things you may forget to do in the event of accident.
For more information about being covered in the event of an accident, turn to Wolpert Insurance! We provide insurance for moving and storage companies with policies tailored to fit their needs and their industry. While many insurance programs fail to acknowledge the difference between trucking insurance and movers insurance, we do not. Allow us to differentiate your business from the rest and provide you with a competitive premium quotation for comprehensive coverage. For general liability, cargo, workers compensation or automobile coverage, look to Wolpert Insurance for all your needs.