Running a successful business means paying attention to details. In the moving and storage industry, there sure are a lot of details to pay attention to aren’t there? While surely you can think of a surprisingly long list of important things to check not once, but twice, we argue that your paperwork – bills of lading, estimates and even receipts and quotes – are some of the most important things to pay attention to.
The U.S. Department of Transportation has strict regulations when it comes to the legal liability of moving companies as they carry out their services. We’ve recently gone over the different types of quotes which are legally acceptable as well as the requirements for an accurate bill of lading, but one thing we haven’t talked about is estimates.
Any carrier providing transportation or storage service of goods must issue an estimate for moves done or property it receives.
Without proper documentation, your movers insurance may not be able to protect you from costly liability claims that may occur from a move your business makes.
What Should An Estimate Entail?
An easy way to handle this requirement is to issue estimates for all of your transactions. Fortunately, the Department of Transportation makes it easy to comply – they offer all of the information you should include.
- Date of shipment
- Names of cosigner and consignee
- Number of packages being shipped
- An accurate description of the freight – including weight, volume and measurement
- The rates you have quoted and assessed
- Total charges due upon completion of transaction
- Transfer points and route of movement
- Address where recipient’s shipment will be delivered
This estimate should be agreed upon and shared BEFORE the shipment takes place. Prior to payment, a receipted copy should be given.
It is good practice to keep a copy of all estimates – this will help you to avoid any false claims or disputes about payment or services. At Wolpert Insurance, your best interest is our priority. Should you ever have to deal with any disputes regarding a documented estimate, we are always willing to help. Remember, keeping accurate and detailed records will always help you in the long run!